Ecex Exchange⭐ Assignments Trading Platform📊📊

I would like to draw your attention to a very effective and interesting project. With that, you change your life for the better. Let's see it in more detail.

    PlanetZiggurat goal is to bring assignments on Ecex.Exchange (Electronic Claims Exchange) trading platform. We will fill the gap by creating a market environment, the system for an active trading platform of assignment agreements. This means changing of owners of a multitude of agreements and documents, such as claims, invoices and factoring agreements all together assignments.
    The regular thing what everybody trading is buy-sell agreement. It is very easy to understand, every investor can buy stock and he assumed that is happening behind the electronic market system, how the trade matching takes place and what is the consequences in account then the deals are finally ended.
   But in the ecosystem which is mostly same as the stock market and built only for claims, rights, and receivables, operates on basis assignment agreement, there are great possibilities spread around the world and win the customers everywhere.
   PlanetZiggurat is aiming for 1 million trades per day by the end of the third year. Our revenue will come from services including: trading fees, issuer background check systems, digital signing, exchange member fees etc. The cash flow will be similar to stock exchange business. The only difference will be instruments and a set of agreements.
    Using Ziggurat (ZIG) utility token as payment it is possible to close deals via smart contract, no thirdparties are needed. ZIG token will as pricelist basis will also standardize prices whatever input currency you use for service fees.
       Very interesting a vision that carried by ziggurat to succeed, I strongly agree to support this project Ceo and Cto is very expert and trusted supported by the cooperation of PERCIVAL make this project very interesting to follow.After this let us see the part "It is important that we need to know as the basis for our support of this excellent project.
Ecex Exchange  - Ziggurat

Tokens Distribution
  • Public market 66% : 350 460 000.00 ZIG
  • Foundation 10% : 53 1000 000 ZIG
  • Partners 7% : 37 170 000.00 ZIG
  • Founders 7% : 37 170 000.00 ZIG
  • Advisers 6% : 31 860 000.00 ZIG
  • Bounty 4% : 21 240 000.00 ZIG
  • Foundation and Founders are not allowed to sell Ziggurat tokens on public markets until the end of 2018.

Ziggurat (ZIG) smart contract address 0xe760a89967d8c7fa638eebfc15a77ba107674021 . DON NOT SEND ETH PAYMENTS TO THIS ADDRESS.
Ecex Exchange roadmap

Token Info
  • Token Name: Ziggurat
  • Token Symbol: ZIG
  • Total emission amount: 531 000 000.00 ZIG
  • Available for public ICO: 350 460 000,00 ZIG
  • Decimal places: 18
  • No Additional Emission over initial amount.
  • It is utility token.
ICO Info
  • ICO price: 1 ETH = 2400 ZIG / 1 ZIG = 0.00041667 ETH (NB! We are compensating Ethereum price rise via additional ZIG payment so that purchase is kept on ratio 1 EUR = 10 ZIG , see ICO page for details)
  • ICO Start: 20th of November 2017, 12:00 UTC (midday)
  • ICO Duration: 150 days

"Basically, there are many people who want their currencies listed. The exchanges are where the liquidity is, it's where the money is, so that's where the right power is at this moment. "

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