The idea of Ethearnal 🔥Autonomous Decentralized Freelancing🚀

Interview with Stanislav Uzunchev, Ethearnal Co-Founder

I would like to bring to your attention one very exciting and effective project that you should familiarize yourself with. You will not regret!

What is Ethearnal?

      Ethearnal is peer-to-peer (P2P) freelance system, in which employers and freelancers meet, enter into trustless smart contracts with reputation and money in escrow, and take advantage of a decentralized system of moderators, if needed. We collide reputation and economic initiatives into one by tokenizing reputation and giving it value. Thus, all parties, moderators included, have strong and aligned initiatives to act honestly, since everyone has something of value at stake, as well as something to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.

    The purpose of this platform is to bridge business and individuals, which creates a comfortable ecosystem with all parties able to join and engage, process and create good client-to-worker relationships to reach agreement that has been made.

    Usually employers will search for casual workers easily on the internet using the reputation of casual workers as a benchmark, it is done because the reputation is very valuable for casual workers. In starting a negotiation usually one will place confidence upfront. Either the employer positions a percentage of the money, or the freelancer does some work. If they do not agree in the future, there is no practical way to resolve the dispute. The freelancer gets money from escrow if his employer gives it, and loses his reputation if he does not do his job, but a freelance worker who neglects his work in the middle of the road, this can be due to corporate authority and also binding rules. Furthermore, it is easy to start with a new identity while working through the Internet.

    From the various problems that arise in the work contact between the boss and the freelancer, Ethearnal provides the following solutions:
1. Use ethereum self-executing smart contracts to manage both sides of responsibility in the code.
2. Provide a decentralized system of compensation moderators based on game theory to step in the required IF and provide objective resolution on the principle that the majority is always right.
3. Aligning the economic initiatives of all parties involved so that they are all better off pursuing the same results.
4. Gives reputation rating and monetary value. We make economics and economic initiative a single thought.

    Ethearnal created the Ethearnal Reputation Token (ERT) system, where it works by tagging casual workers, business reputation and moderators. This Ethearnal reputation system ensures ERT is real money, where owners can sell, buy, transfer or even trade as they see fit. ERT is an important factor in a project, where many ERTs can make a project work and know who is capable and serious in participating.

     Freelancers can create lists that present their services and push them to the network using web clients. In the backend, we use IPFS (interplanetary file system) to store and distribute their listings in a peer-to-peer manner. No server needed They do not need to store their web clients online, bidding just stays in the cloud.

   With the decentralized blockchain tenology that makes the boss and the freelancer feel secure and comfortable working, no secrets and problems will arise because keterbuakaan in various components and transactions are maintained. It will provide satisfaction for various parties, whether it be superior or casual workers and investors.

    Our ICO is different we call it ICO 2.0 smart contracth, where our investors are protected through the wonders of smart contract and auditability of the crowd. We give investors control over our expenses, as we should have from the beginning. You have the power to stop the project and get a refund.

     Ethearnal has performed token sales so that users and investors can join and invest here, with the following details:

Token name: ERT
Token Sale: February 28-March 31, 2018
Total token: 40,000,000 ERT
Price: 1 ETH = 1000 ERT

Distribution over ICO: 30,000,000 ERT
 Token distribution and hard cap
That means that 1 ether gives you 1000 ERT tokens.
    It will be set in ether using the price at the time of the deployment of the ICO 2.0 smart contract.

     75% of the tokens will be sold during the pre-sale and ICO. Only ethereum will
be accepted during the sale and pre-sale.

    20% of the tokens will be kept for the founders. They will be locked in the ICO
smart contract and will be released to the founders only when there is 0 ether left
in it. Since 90% of the crowdfunded ether is locked in the same contract and can
be released to us in 10% increments only after voting of 51% of the token holders
this would mean that we have delivered the project OR we have failed and the
people have initiated refund process and got back their funds.
 In the first case, the tokens will be our economic initiative to keep supporting
the project since we will have the same interest as every other token holder.
 In the second case, when refund has been initiated, the tokens are useless. It is
important though that they are released to us only after there is 0 ether in the
contract, because otherwise we can use them to claim refund and that way get 20% of the funds.
   We will be able to use those tokens for voting though.

     5% Of the tokens will be kept for bounties and economic initiatives where
needed. For example we might be giving tokens as rewards to users of the system
that first reach certain milestone. Adding gamification element that way.
    If there are not enough moderators at the beginning we can use those tokens to
add extra initiative.
    Basically, they will be used to “guide” the system until it’s able to “walk” on it’s own. 
    There will be permanent bounties for finding critical bugs in the smart contracts and the network.

   The total token supply depends ONLY on how much ether has been invested during
the pre-sale and sale.
    1000 ERT tokens will be created for every 1 ether invested. One month after
the start of the ICO (or if the hard cap is reached, whichever comes first) there will
be 1000 ERT tokens for every 1 ether invested, on top of that 20% will be created
for the founders (non transferable) and 5% for bounties (transferable) so that the total
adds-up to 100%.
     New tokens will NOT be generated EVER again.

This company is the P2P freelancer market that rewards your reputation

No matter if you are a freelancer, looking for a service or some kind of gig, you could use the platform. The idea of Ethearnal is to match supply and demand and create market equilibrium.

For more information:


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